Rabu, 01 April 2009

Muridman; ABG earn $ 3000 per month
Muridman figures are AdSense publisher who fought from the bottom and can eventually succeed. At the beginning of the AdSense forum kesertaannya in Id-he often wondered, including matters fundamental. Who suspected, disappear after some time, suddenly men aged 23 years appear to carry this one a good news, success in business AdSense.
Domiciled in Jakarta, Muridman, who call themselves as Lazyman Nano, also including the innovative AdSenser. In addition berkutat with AdSense, it is also busy with creating and selling digital products, and the system of cooperation acapkali involving Joint Venture. According to the man who also work as magicer this, the concept of JV that this is in large role encourage success. Her claim to this man dilligent AdSense business since 2005, the main reason to increase the economic welfare of his family, because he happened to be born from a poor family.
'Because I was born from a poor family and did not want to die as a poor man. From there I have a reason for the very-very strong to change my fate. Because only God and I can change my fate. One again, it seems money can be well on the internet. Not all life out of the house. 'Once the comments when interviewed. According Muridman, AdSense business is not easy, he must struggle desperately day and night, as they must be online at the cafe, when the facilities themselves have not yet own a laptop, and the phone is connected to the Internet online. Constraints that are experienced language problems, but because the desire and a strong kemauannya to learn, the obstacles can eventually overcame.
Touching the first question, the beginning he only played AdSense get an $ 0.20, but at this time on average it produces a range of 1000-3000 dollars per month. This is generated from AdSense, as he still has other revenue from AdSense than from the Affiliate program, Private Coaching, and others who reach the total range of 4000-5000 dollars per month. Meanwhile, the time used to work for according to him is not certain, because it is like online, usually about 10 hours a day.
Asked about income or PPC High Paying Keyword he says to this day is still a mystery. There is still zero even just a small earningnya. 'In fact we can be PPC, provided that know and play with the keyword placement. Keyword until it comes out. How, there is no other than research, test, and make more. 'It's commentary. When asked about the message to the beginner AdSenser he said, should have the AdSenser:
1. Have a strong reason, to play what AdSense
2. Find a successful person. In the approach that can beg ...
3. Frequently discussed with the other players
4. Can be a little direct knowledge practices
5. Do not a lot of criticism and comment

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